Saxifraga ×arendsii Arends
Mossy Saxifrage "Snow Carpet"
Perennial. Sowing time: March. planting seedlings: July. flowering: May, June. Planting method: seedlings. Plant height: 20 cm. Distance between plants: 20-30 cm.
An ornamental evergreen plant. Forms dense thickets of small rosettes of leaves strewn with many flowers on thin pedicels. Height up to 20 cm. Blooms in May-June.
Agricultural technology.
The plant is cold-resistant, prefers fertile, sufficiently moist soils and semi-shaded areas. Indispensable when creating a foundation on rocky hills.
Propagated by sowing seeds in March in boxes. Seeds do not close up, only lightly sprinkled with sand. At a temperature of +15°C shoots appear on the 14-20th day. Seedlings dive in the phase of the first true leaf. Planted in open ground in July, maintaining a distance between plants of 20-30 cm. In April, seeds can be sown directly in place. For the winter, plants are covered with a layer of leaves 10 cm.


Eng.: Mossy Saxifrage. Suom.: PATJARIKKO. Sven.: Rosenbräcka. Bot. syn.: Saxifraga caespitosa grandiflora; Saxifraga exarata x Saxifraga granulata x Saxifraga hypnoides x Saxifraga rosacea.